


Autumn Elegance 秋之雅

“Autumn Elegance” captures a quintessential Japanese autumn scene, rich with natural beauty and the poignant transition of the seasons. Each element is meticulously designed to convey the tranquility, reflection, and reverence for nature characteristic of fall.


Concept and Meaning

In this beautiful autumn setting, the “Autumn Elegance” wagashi resembles a withering maple leaf, symbolizing the arrival of autumn and the cycle of nature. The colors and shape of the wagashi not only display the beauty and depth of fall but also represent the fleeting nature of life and the inevitability of change. Through its intricate craftsmanship, the wagashi vividly portrays the maple leaves of autumn in their final stages before waiting for the next rebirth, reflecting the artisan’s skill and respect for the natural cycle.


枫树 Maple Tree 楓の木
The Maple Tree (楓の木) within the display showcases the changing colors of autumn foliage. Maple leaves are a symbol of Japanese autumn, with their fiery red hues representing the passion and maturity of the season, while also conveying the cyclical nature of life and the impermanence of the natural world.


鸟居 Torii Gate 鳥居
The Torii Gate (鳥居) symbolizes the gateway to the divine, infusing the scene with a sense of mystery and solemnity. It embodies both the sacred and reverent, marking a threshold for new beginnings and spiritual purification. The torii gate emphasizes the significance of faith and awe during the seasonal transition.

仙鹤 Crane 鶴
The Crane (鶴) represents longevity, good fortune, and fidelity. In Japanese culture, cranes are symbols of nobility and grace, adding a sense of the divine and serene to the scene.

石灯 Stone Lantern 石灯籠
The Stone Lantern (石灯籠) serves not only as a source of light and safety but also as a symbol of spiritual and cultural significance in Japanese tradition. Its gentle glow pierces through the quiet of autumn nights, symbolizing inner illumination and peace, guiding one’s spiritual journey.


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A manufacturer of wagashi founded in 2020 in Malaysia

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