One day in 2023, the serene halls of UCSI were abuzz with excitement. Why, you ask? Well, let me spin you a delightful tale.
The Japanese Cultural Society (JCS) at UCSI had a brilliant idea—to bring the ancient art of wagashi-making right to their doorstep. And who better to lead this sweet adventure than Yù Wagashi, the masters of this delicate craft?
With a flick of a whisk and a sprinkle of enthusiasm, Yù Wagashi was invited to host a workshop at UCSI. The response was as sweet as their treats! Within a mere two days, over 20 eager souls had snapped up seats for the event.
As the workshop day came, the scent of anticipation wafted through the air. Members of the JCS, along with other enthusiasts, gathered eagerly, ready to dive into the world of wagashi.
Under the gentle guidance of the Yù Wagashi team, participants delved into the art of crafting these delectable delights. From shaping the dough to adding intricate designs, every step was a lesson in patience and precision. But oh, the joy that filled the room as each person created their own edible masterpiece!
Amidst the floury fun, Kelsey-sensei, the esteemed leader of Yù Wagashi, sprinkled in bits of knowledge about the rich history of wagashi. From its humble beginnings to its status as a beloved Japanese tradition, the participants soaked in every fascinating tidbit.
And as the workshop drew to a close, there was one final treat in store. Each participant was presented with a certificate of participation, a sweet memento of their wagashi-making adventure. But the cherry on top? A cherished photo opportunity with Kelsey-sensei, capturing the memories of a truly delightful day.
In the end, as the sun dipped below the horizon, UCSI echoed with laughter and the lingering aroma of freshly made wagashi. It was a day filled with sweetness, friendship, and a newfound appreciation for the art of Japanese confectionery.
So, if you ever find yourself craving a taste of Japan in the heart of Malaysia, look no further than Yù Wagashi. For a journey into the world of wagashi is not just about sweets—it’s a journey of culture, community, and endless joy. Oishii!
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A manufacturer of wagashi founded in 2020 in Malaysia

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